vii • Pu sorption/desorption experiments on colloid minerals identified in NTS groundwater, and • Transport of Pu-doped colloids through fractured rock core. Chapter 1 is a background review of our current understanding of colloids and their role in facilitating contaminant transport. Chapters 2, and 3 are field studies that focused on characterizing natural colloids at different hydrologic environments at the NTS and address Ryan and Elimelech's (1996) first criteria regarding the existence and stability of colloids. Chapters 4, 5 and 6 are laboratory experimental studies that investigate the sorption/desorption behavior of Pu and other low-solubility radionuclides on colloid minerals observed in NTS groundwater. These studies evaluate Ryan and Elimelech's (1996) second criteria that the affinity of Pu for colloids must be high. Chapters 7, 8, 9, and 10 are laboratory studies that focus on whether colloids can be transported through fractures. These transport studies address Ryan and Elimelech's (1996) third criteria that colloids must be transported. Chapter 11 discusses the implications of the fracture flow experimental results. Chapter 12 provides recommendations for future work that would help reduce uncertainties associated with the prediction of colloid-facilitated radionuclide transport at the NTS.