Magnetooptical and electrooptical spectra and effects PACS 32.80.Xx -Level crossing and optical pumping PACS 42.50.Gy -Effects of atomic coherence on propagation, absorption, and amplification of light; electromagnetically induced transparency and absorption PACS 32.10.Dk -Electric and magnetic moments, polarizabilitiesAbstract. -We have developed a technique for precise measurement of small magnetic fields using nonlinear magneto-optic rotation (NMOR). The technique relies on the resonant laser beam being chopped. During the on time, the atoms are optically pumped into an aligned ground state (∆m = 2 coherence). During the off time, they freely precess around the magnetic field at the Larmor frequency. If the on-off modulation frequency matches (twice) the Larmor precession frequency, the rotation is resonantly enhanced in every cycle, thereby making the process like a repeated Ramsey measurement of the Larmor frequency. We study chopped-NMOR in a paraffincoated Cs vapor cell. The out-of-phase demodulated rotation shows a Lorentzian peak of linewidth 85 µG, corresponding to a sensitivity of 0.15 nG/ √ Hz. We discuss the potential of this technique for the measurement of an atomic electric-dipole moment.