In this work, we have investigated the scattered elastic waves from an object in a system consisting of an elastic layer above a fluid half-space. A time-harmonic load is applied upon the upper boundary surface, while the object is free of stresses. By constructing the corresponding Green's functions, a coupled system of boundary integral equations (BIE) over the contour of the object is formulated. The scattered waves are obtained by using the collocation technique which reduced the BIE to a system of linear algebraic equations. The results are compared with the case without the fluid to show the influence of the fluid pressure on the scattered waves. Numerical examples are carried to demonstrate the scattered waves from an object in different geometrical shapes. K E Y W O R D S boundary integral equations, elastic-fluid layered medium, elastic waves, Green's functions, scattering theory Z Angew Math Mech. 2019;99:e201800054.