“…Interleukin-1 (IL1) can induce the expression of two matrix metalloproteinase members MMP-13 and MMP-1via the p38/c-JUN N-terminal kinase (JNK) pathway and p38/MEK signaling pathway, respectively (Mengshol et al, 2000). Both MMP-13 and MMP-1 can cleave cartilage matrix collagen, especially MMP-13, which preferentially degrades type II collagen (Knäuper et al, 1996), and aberrant expression of these two genes has been reported previously in OA patients (Tetlow et al, 2001;Attur et al, 2009). Additionally, when the survival signals from extracellular matrix or growth factors are lost, programmed cell death or apoptosis occurs in chondrocytes (Del Carlo and Loeser, 2008).…”