We give a theoretical analysis of bead motion in tethered-particle experiments, a single-molecule technique that has been used to explore the dynamics of a variety of macromolecules of biological interest. Our analysis reveals that the proximity of the tethered bead to a nearby surface gives rise to a volumeexclusion effect, resulting in an entropic stretching-force on the molecule that changes its statistical properties. In addition, volume exclusion brings about intriguing scaling relations between key observables (statistical moments of the bead) and parameters such as bead size and contour length of the molecule. We present analytic and numerical results for these effects in both flexible and semiflexible tethers. Finally, our results give a precise, experimentally testable prediction for the probability distribution of the bead center measured from the polymer attachment point. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.96.088306 PACS numbers: 82.37.Rs, 36.20.Ey, 82.35.Pq, 87.14.Gg Single-molecule biophysics has rapidly become an experimental centerpiece in the dissection of cellular machinery. This part of the biophysics repertoire often relies, in turn, on the use of micron-scale beads as a reporter of underlying molecular motions in these single-molecule systems. Thus, a key part of the theoretical infrastructure of this field is a clear understanding of the role that these beads play in altering the statistical properties of the macromolecules which are the real target of interest in such experiments. Beyond interest in the in vitro consequences of tethered-particle motions, many processes within the cell themselves involve tethering. The statisticalmechanical analysis performed here may prove useful for understanding in vivo processes, in addition to the in vitro consequences that form the main motivation for the work.Figure 1 sketches the tethered-particle method (TPM). The main idea is that a macromolecule (for example DNA or some protein that translocates DNA or RNA) is anchored at one end to a surface, while the other end of the molecular complex is attached to an otherwise free microsphere (''bead''). In contrast to classic DNA-stretching experiments, no external stretching force is applied to the bead; instead its motion is passively observed, for example, using single-particle tracking. Thus, the observed motion of the bead serves as a reporter of the underlying, invisible, macromolecular motion. This technique has been used in a variety of settings, e.g., the examination of nanometerscale motions of motors like kinesin [1] or RNA polymerase [2,3], protein synthesis by ribosomes [4], exonuclease translocation on DNA [5,6], protein mediated deformation [7] and loop formation [8] in DNA, DNA hybridization [9], and DNA motion [10,11]. The main goal of this Letter is to show how the proximity of the reporter bead to the surface affects the interpretation of the reported data and can even alter the conformation of the macromolecule of interest. A theoretical understanding of these effects will improve the ability ...