Native defects and oxygen and hydrogen-related defect complexes in CdTe: Density functional calculations J. Appl. Phys.With a specific focus on defects formed from H atoms and oxygen vacancies ͑V O ͒ in perovskite-type oxide, stability and stable valence states of complex defects formation processes within BaTiO 3 are studied by using first-principle density-functional theory calculations. In our findings, H atoms diffuse as protons ͑H + ͒ into interstitial sites in BaTiO 3 , whereas these atoms when trapped at centers of V O sites convert to negatively ionized states ͑H − ͒. We also find that H atom trapping at V O sites occurs only in n-type carrier-rich environments without carrier compensation of V O 2+ and H + . If carrier electrons are compensated, H + ions are excluded from V O 2+ sites due to the repulsive Coulomb potential existing between the H + ion and the positively charged V O 2+ site. Difficulties in the calculation of the diffusion-energy diagram for H atoms, involving essential changes in the stable valence states during the diffusion process, are discussed and a practical solution is presented.