Current literature describes many different types of benefits obtained from biobanking operations. However, whether these benefits will actually be realized depends on the large extent of various external and internal factors. The main goal of this study is to perform an impact analysis of an emerging biobanking program funded by EU grants (European Regional Development Fund), from the perspective of physicians and researchers, and also identify factors that could influence the achievement of these benefits. First, we briefly describe the concept of the "BIOFORD" and "DIGIBIOBANK" projects and present a concise literature review of the benefits of biobanks identified in the scientific literature. Second, we investigate the perspectives of individual stakeholders, that are the closest to the biobank through a qualitative survey, namely semi-structured interviews. The interview confirms the need for a systemic biobanking infrastructure in Slovakia. It is perceived as a key facility for advancing research and healthcare and as an accelerator of new opportunities and international collaborations. Among the most important factors influencing its success is the ability to ensure high-quality processes, availability of bio-samples and medical data as well as provision of technical expertise.