“…Because different chemical compositions may lead to different chemical reactions, in our work, besides the control mango juice (mango puree and water), mango juice samples were formulated with addition of different potential precursors for different quality-related chemical reactions (e.g., degradation of ascorbic acid, acidcatalysed degradation of sugars): ascorbic acid, citric acid and sugars. In our previous study, these compounds were linked to changes in targeted quality parameters (e.g., colour, HMF and furfural) of pasteurised orange juice during storage at ambient and elevated temperature (Wibowo et al, 2015b;Wibowo et al, 2015a). Moreover, in the work on orange juice, fingerprinting of the volatile fraction showed potential to investigate different quality-related chemical reactions (Wibowo, Grauwet, Kebede, Hendrickx, & Van Loey, 2015).…”