“…One promising near-term avenue for quantum machine learning is quantum annealing [17] (for recent reviews see [18][19][20]) which can, e.g., perform binary classification [21,22], learn Bayesian network structure [23], implement quantum Boltzmann machines [24], train deep generative models [25], and implement support vector machines [26]. Quantum annealing is the only current quantum computing paradigm that has resulted in architectures with a large enough number of-albeit relatively noisy-qubits [27][28][29] to address both real-world and fundamental science prob-lems, e.g., in air traffic control [30], computational biology [31][32][33], and high-energy physics [34][35][36]. Under the adiabatic theorem of quantum mechanics, quantum annealing evolves from an initial transverse field Hamiltonian to the target problem Hamiltonian, ensuring that the system remains in the ground state if the system is perturbed slowly enough, as given by the energy gap between the ground state and the first excited state [37][38][39].…”