The structure of the phenol-argon cluster (PhOH-Ar) in high-n Rydberg states is investigated by the newly developed technique of mass analyzed threshold ionization detected infrared (MATI-IR) spectroscopy. This method selectively measures IR spectra of molecular clusters in very high-n Rydberg states (n 4 100) utilized in zero kinetic energy (ZEKE) photoelectron and MATI spectroscopy, whose ionic cores are essentially the same as the corresponding bare cation. The MATI-IR spectrum exhibits only the free OH stretching vibration (n p OH ) when the p-bound cluster of the neutral ground electronic state (S 0 ) is resonantly excited via the S 1 origin to Rydberg states converging to its adiabatic ionization energy level, IE 0 (p). When Rydberg states converging to vibrationally excited levels of the local p-bound minimum are prepared, in addition to n p OH also the hydrogen-bonded OH stretching vibration (n H OH ) of the H-bonded global minimum is observed in the MATI-IR spectra, even for vibrational excitation of only 14 cm À1 above IE 0 (p). These results show that the p -H site switching reaction of the Ar ligand from the aromatic ring to the OH group proceeds only from vibrationally excited states in the p-bound cation core with a small barrier of less than 14 cm À1 from IE 0 (p). On the other hand, directly photoionized PhOH + -Ar shows both n H OH and n p OH in the IR spectra, even when it is just ionized to IE 0 (p). This result implies that the ionizationinduced p -H site switching occurs without excess energy in the H-bound or p-bound cations, in contrast to very high-n Rydberg states converging to levels of the p-bound cation. The different efficiencies of the site switching for the Rydberg ion core and the bare ion and the mechanism for the p -H site switching are interpreted by direct ionization from the p-bound to the H-bound structures in addition to the conventional vertical ionization and transitions to high-n Rydberg states.