School of En ergy Sci ence and En gi neer ing, Harbin In sti tute of Tech nol ogy, Harbin, China Orig i nal sci en tific pa per this work, we have in ves ti gated the o ret i cally the spec tral ra di a tive prop er ties of a monolayer alu mi num po rous microstructure, in clud ing wave length-se lec tive trans mis sion, re flec tion, and ab sorp tion. The fi nite-dif fer ence time-do main method for electromagnetics has been used to cal cu late the spec tral ra di a tive prop er ties of the monolayer alu mi num po rous microstructure. It is found that the ab sorp tion spec tra of the alu mi num po rous microstructure will gen er ate two peaks within the wave length rang ing from 1.0 to 15.0 mm at nor mal in ci dence of light. Then the surface plasma polarition res o nance could be ob served clearly in the ob tained re sults of this work, es pe cially on the top sur face near the or i fice. In side the po rous structure, mag netic polariton is the cru cial mech a nism to elu ci date for the power absorp tion en hance ment. Fur ther more, the ab sorp tion ca pac ity of the alu mi num porous struc ture with Si/SiO 2 sub strate has been an a lyzed, to ex plain the in flu ence of base on the monolayer po rous ma te rial. The find ings in di cate that the ab sorp tance peak at 3 mm in ci dent wave length sig nif i cantly im proved with sil i con sub strate, while that of sil ica sub strate has lit tle dif fer ence with alu mi num po rous plate. The sil i con and sil ica bases dis rupted the dis tri bu tion of the elec tro mag netic fields of the orig i nal alu mi num po rous struc ture, and form a new mag netic field within the subbases. Mean while the in ter nal microcavity polarition of the po rous struc ture has en hanced ob vi ously near the bases. Key words: po rous microstructure, ra di a tive, ab sorp tance, sub strate Yu, H., et al.: The Spectral Radiative Effect of Si/SiO 2 Substrate on Monolayer .