Presented study deals with the final structure and radiological properties of
different fly ash-based geopolymers. lignite fly-ash (lignite Kolubara -
Serbia) and wood fly ash were obtained in combustion process together with
commercial fly ash. Synthesis of the geopolymers was conducted by mixing fly
ash, sodium silicate solution, NaOH and water. The samples were cured at
60?C for 48h after staying at room temperature in covering mold for 24 h. X
- ray diffraction, Fourier transform infra - red and Scanning electron
microscope measurements were conducted on the samples after 28 days of
geopolymerization process. X-ray diffraction measurements of lignite fly ash
samples show anhydrite as the main constituent, while wood fly ash samples
consist of calcite, albite and gypsum minerals. Beside of determination of
physical-chemical properties, the aim of this study was radiological
characterization of lignite fly ash, wood fly ash and the obtained
geopolymer products. Activity concentration of 40K and radionuclides from
the 238U and 232Th decay series in ash samples and fly ash-based geopolymers
were determined by means of gamma-ray spectrometry, and the absorbed dose
rate rate (D) and the annual effective dose rate (E) were calculated in
accordance with the UNSCEAR 2000 report.