Purpose: The objective of this study is to evaluate requirements for radionuclide-based solid tumor therapy by assessing the radial dose distribution of beta-particle-emitting and alpha-particleemitting molecules localized either solely within endothelial cells of tumor vasculature or diffusing from the vasculature throughout the adjacent viable tumor cells. Methods: Tumor blood vessels were modeled as a group of microcylindrical layers comprising endothelial cells ͑one-cell thick, 10 m diameter͒, viable tumor cells ͑25-cell thick, 250 m radius͒, and necrotic tumor region ͑Ͼ250 m from any blood vessel͒. Sources of radioactivity were assumed to distribute uniformly in either endothelial cells or in concentric cylindrical 10 m shells within the viable tumor-cell region. The EGSnrc Monte Carlo simulation code system was used for beta particle dosimetry and a dose-point kernel method for alpha particle dosimetry. The radioactive decays required to deposit cytocidal doses ͑Ն100 Gy͒ in the vascular endothelial cells ͑endothelial cell mean dose͒ or, alternatively, at the tumor edge ͓tumor-edge mean dose ͑TEMD͔͒ of adjacent viable tumor cells were then determined for six beta ͑ 32 P, 33 Re can be effective even when the radionuclide is confined to the blood vessel ͑i.e., no diffusion into the tumor͒. Furthermore, the increase in tumor-edge dose consequent to beta emitter diffusion is dependent on the energy of the emitted beta particles, being much greater for lower-energy emitters 131 I, 67 Cu, and 33 P relative to higher-energy emitters 90 Y, 32 P, and 188 Re. Compared to alpha particle emitters, a ϳ150-400 times higher number of beta-particle-emitting radioactive atoms is required to deposit the same dose in tumor neovasculature. However, for the alpha particle emitters 211 At and 213 Bi to be effective in irradiating viable tumor-cell regions in addition to the vasculature, the carrier molecules must diffuse substantially from the vasculature into the viable tumor. Conclusion: The presented data enable comparison of radionuclides used for antiangiogenic therapy on the basis of their radioactive decay properties, tumor neovasculature geometry, and tumor-cell viability. For alpha particle emitters or low-energy beta particle emitters, the targeting carrier molecule should be chosen to permit the radiopharmaceutical to diffuse from the endothelial wall of the blood vessel, while for long-range energetic beta particle emitters that target neovasculature, a radiopharmaceutical that binds to newly formed endothelial cells and does not diffuse is preferable. The work is a first approximation to modeling of tumor neovasculature that ignores factors such as pharmacokinetics and targeting capability of carrier molecules. The calculations quantify the interplay between irradiation of neovasculature, the surrounding viable tumor cells, and the physical properties of commonly used radionuclides and can be used to assist estimation of radioactivity to be administered for neovasculature-targeted tumor therapy.