“…Among the frequent predictive parameters with uniformly positive association with RAO, female gender was reported in 4 studies, 5,9,11,15,19 but the most frequently found risk factors were lower body size, lower body weight as well as their surrogates (eg, wrist size, sheath-to-RA diameter size etc). 11,15,20,21 –33 History of diabetes mellitus, smoking or atherosclerotic disease, 11,15,23,30,35 lower blood pressure 9,11,31,36 as well as complicated RA access and spasm 5, 28,36 –38 also appear predictive of RAO. Other variables associated with RAO include longer procedural and fluoroscopy duration, 9,11,31,39 shorter procedural time, 27,40 lower anticoagulation intensity, 9,10,16, 28 ,33,44 nonpatent RA during hemostasis or no “patent hemostasis” technique used, 25,30,35 or longer hemostasis or bandage time.…”