Because activated carbon is extensively used in supercapacitors, optimizationo fi ts precursors and synthetic strategies are crucial. Inspired by the richs ugar content of bananap eel waste, which can be transformedt hrough the respiration of yeast into alcohol with the releaseo fC O 2 ,w e developed an environmentally benigna nd highly efficient processf or the production of renewableh eteroatom-doped hierarchical porous carbon materials (yeast-treated bananapeel-based carbon,d enoted as YBP) without any additional templates or activationa gents. The resulting biologically activated carbon was characterized by near-edge X-ray absorption fine-structures pectroscopy,X -ray photoelectron spectroscopy,a nd other physicalm ethods.T he biologically acti-vated carbon achieved am aximum gravimetric specific capacitance of 476 Fg À1 in 1 m H 2 SO 4 electrolyte. Remarkably, with am oderates pecific surface area of 1084 m 2 g À1 ,t he asobtained activated carbon was found to have ahigh packing density.W ith enriched pseudocapacitance sites, the YBP symmetric supercapacitor has ah igh volumetric specific capacitance ande nergy density (maximum values of 264 Fcm À3 and 23.5 Wh L À1 ,r espectively). The supercapacitor showed superior cyclic stability,w ith 94 %c apacitance retention for voltage values up to 1.6 Vafter 10 000 cycles, which confirmed the promising application of this supercapacitor in miniature electronic devices.