plasma cholesterol levels in NZW rabbits. HypercholesThe effect of bile acid depletion and replacement with terolemia in WHHL rabbits was related to the combinaglycodeoxycholic acid on plasma cholesterol concentration of dysfunctional LDL receptors and inhibited tions, hepatic low-density lipoprotein (LDL) receptor cholesterol 7a-hydroxylase. Plasma cholesterol concenbinding and messenger RNA (mRNA) levels, and hepatic trations were reduced significantly when cholesterol 7a-activities and mRNA levels for 3-hydroxy-3-methylglu- terol down-regulates both hepatic 3-hydroxy-3-methylgluso that the hepatic bile acid flux reached prefistula levtaryl coenzyme A (HMG-CoA) reductase 4 and the expression els. Plasma and liver cholesterol concentrations were 13 of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) receptors 3 so that feeding times and 50% greater, respectively, hepatic LDL recepcholesterol expands the circulating plasma pool with dietary tor-mediated binding was 26% less, and cholesterol 7a-cholesterol that is transported mostly by LDL. However, we hydroxylase activity and mRNA levels were 62% and 86% recently reported that dietary cholesterol also unexpectedly less in WHHL than NZW rabbits. After bile drainage, inhibited cholesterol 7a-hydroxylase, the rate-limiting enplasma cholesterol concentrations decreased 29% in zyme for bile acid synthesis. 5 Because bile acids represent NZW rabbits and 40% in WHHL rabbits and were associthe major product of cholesterol catabolism, reducing their ated with a 2.1-fold increase in hepatic LDL receptorformation can also lead to the accumulation of cholesterol. mediated binding in the NZW rabbits, but there was noFurther support for the inverse relationship between bile acid change in the WHHL rabbits. Cholesterol 7a-hydroxysynthesis and plasma cholesterol concentrations comes from lase activity and mRNA levels increased three and four observations in the Watanabe heritable hyperlipidemic times in NZW and WHHL rabbits, respectively, although (WHHL) rabbits. 6 This strain of rabbits shows consistently liver cholesterol levels remained unchanged. Replacehigh plasma cholesterol levels associated with elevated ment with exogenous glycodeoxycholic acid increased plasma concentrations of b-very-low-density lipoprotein choplasma cholesterol concentrations 1.7 times in NZW rablesterol attributed to a deficiency of LDL receptors that is bits and decreased enhanced cholesterol 7a-hydroxylase inherited as a dominant trait. 7 Our recent study in WHHL activity 54%, mRNA levels 86%, cholic acid synthesis 38%, rabbits showed that, in addition to deficient LDL receptor and hepatic LDL receptor-mediated binding 57% in function, cholesterol 7a-hydroxylase activity and messenger NZW rabbits. Bile acid depletion stimulated cholic acid RNA (mRNA) levels were also abnormally low, which contribsynthesis by up-regulating cholesterol 7a-hydroxylase to uted to markedly elevated plasma cholesterol concentrause cholesterol and reduce plasma concentrations subtions. 5 Similar elevations in plasma cholesterol concentras...