Variable temperature ' H NMR studies on the system CH3Li-CH3Cu in various stoichiometric ratios have been carried out in MezO, Et20, and THF. In Me20 and THF, LiCu2(CH3)3 and LiCu(CH& have been found to exist as pure stoichiometric compounds when the C H~L L C H~C U ratio is 1:2 and ]:I, respectively. When the CH3Li:CHQ ratio is 2:1, Li2Cu(CH3)3 is formed as an equilibrium mixture containing LiCu(CH3)2 and CH3Li. In Et20, evidence is presented to indicate the existence of LizCuj(CH3)5, LiCu(CH&, and Li2Cu(CH3)3. The first two compounds can be prepared stoichiometrically pure. However, the latter compound is part of an equilibrium mixture. The solution composition of these cuprates is presented based on variable temperature NMR and molecular association data.Lithium dialkylcuprates have proven to be very versatile reagents in organic synthesis.' Several recent reports, however, have been concerned with unusual reactivity of reagents prepared by mixing lithium dialkl-or diarylcuprates with the corresponding organolithium compounds. For example, the reagent having the stoichiometry LiCuPhrPhLi appears to be more reactive than LiCuPhz in metal-halogen exchange reactions and coupling with aryl bromides.2 Also it has been recently found that a 3:2 mixture of LiCu(CH3)z and CH3Li is more stereoselective toward 4-tert-butylcyclohexanone than either LiCu(CH3)2 or CH3Li.3 In addition, mixtures of LiCu(CH3)z and CH3Li have been found to react with diary1 ketones as if a reducing agent more powerful than either LiCu(CH3)2 or CH3Li were pre~ent.~ These reports suggest that lithium diorganocuprates and organolithium compounds are capable of reacting to form complexes of the type Li*Cu(CH3)3 and Li$u(CH3)4. However, previous ' H and natural abundance I3C NMR studies on the system CH3Li-LiCu(CH3)2 in diethyl ether at -60 OC failed to detect the existence of any c~m p l e x e s .~~~. '~ In view of the intense interest in this area and the obvious possibility of the existence of other cuprates in addition to LiCu(CH3)2, we decided to study the ' H N M R of the CH,Li-CH,Cu mixture further.Dimethyl ether was chosen as the initial solvent for this study since methyl group exchange rates should be significantly slower in dimethyl ether (owing to its greater basicity) than conventional ether solvents (e.g., diethyl ether). In addition, considerably lower solution temperatures can be reached with dimethyl ether (-136 vs. -100 "C) than with most other ethers. After the studies in dimethyl ether, the cuprates were studied in tetrahydrofuran and then finally in diethyl ether. It was our hope that the results obtained in the more basic solvents, dimethyl ether and THF, could be used to help explain the system in diethyl ether. In addition, various ligands were added to the cuprates in diethyl ether in an effort to clarify the situation in that solvent.
Experimental SectionApparatus. Reactions were performed under nitrogen at the bench using Schlenk tube techniques.6 Other manipulations were carried out in a glove box equipped with a recircu...