DMtoluene (3,4-dimethoxytoluene; DM ¼ 3,4-dimethoxy), a model compound for lignin oxidation, can be autoxidized in acetic acid using a Co/Mn/ Br catalyst to its benzaldehyde in 51 mol % yield, and to its acid in 85 -92 mol % yield. This synthesis is unusual because a number of unprecedented phenomena occur. 1) The rate of molecular oxygen reacting with the substrate is bi-phasic, i.e., two maximum in the rate of reaction are observed. 2) In the first phase, all of the 3,4-dimethoxytoluene is converted to intermediates, but very little to the carboxylic acid. 3) During the second maximum of activity, virtually all the intermediates are converted to the carboxylic acid with 95 -100% mass accountability. 4) The rate of carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide formation is considerably higher during the second phase during which 5) 9 -12% of methyl 3,4-dimethoxybenzoate (the methyl ester of the benzoic acid) is formed. Mechanisms are suggested for these unusual phenomena.