“…[8,9] Adoption of water as as olvent is, therefore, an attractive option.I nt his case, current limitations are relatedt o: use of batch setups and expensiveg old catalysts, poor FDCA solubility,n eed of excesso fm etal catalyst or strongb ase additives (e.g.,N aOH, K 2 CO 3 ), harsh reaction conditions, corrosion, andc atalyst deactivation. [10,11] The development of cleaner and more environmentally acceptable methods for FDCA production is therefore of utmost importance. [12,13] Herein, we report the synthesis and characterization of a heterogeneous, resin-supported Pt catalysta nd its use in the one-pot oxidation of HMF to FDCA in neat water under continuous-flow conditions.…”