The opportunity of using refuse-derived fuel (RDF) to produce fuel gas seems to be promising, and particular
attention has been focused on alternative process technologies such as pyrolysis and gasification. Within this
frame, present work relates to experimental tests and obtained results of a series of experimental surveys on
RDF gasification with steam, performed by means of a bench-scale rotary kiln plant at different process
temperatures, using thermogravimetry (TG) and infrared spectrometry (Fourier transform infrared, FTIR) to
characterize the incoming material and online gas chromatography to qualify the gaseous stream. Experimental
data show that the gas yield increases with temperature and, with respect to the gas composition, the hydrogen
content increases, mainly at the expense of the other gaseous compounds, which highlights the major extension
of secondary cracking reactions into the gaseous fraction at higher temperature. Syngas obtained at processing
temperatures of 950 °C or higher seems to be suitable for producing hydrogen for ammonia synthesis or for
fuel cell applications, whereas, at lower processing temperatures, it seems usable for Fischer−Tropsch synthesis.
The low organic content of solid residue does not suggest any other exploitation of the char apart from the