ABSTRACX. At birth, there is a marked increase in cir-occur both in viva and in vitro in response to both endogenous culating plasma catecholamine concentrations. This in-and exogenous receptor ligands (4-2 1). crease is critical to many of the physiologic adjustments to At birth, there is a marked increase in sympathoadrenal activpostnatal life. Because the levels observed are higher than ity reflected by changes in circulating catecholamine concentrathose seen in most other physiologic conditions in adults, tions. Plasma norepinephrine rises 5-to 10-fold and plasma previous investigators have suggested that the newborn is epinephrine 10-to 20-fold over the first several hours of life (22-less sensitive to adrenergic stimulation or that desensiti-26). We have previously demonstrated that the majority of zation to adrenergic stimulation occurs rapidly. To inves-circulating norepinephrine arises from increased postganglionic tigate this question, we designed experiments to measure sympathetic nerve activity (24), whereas the increase in plasma myocardial Sadrenergic receptor density and sensitivity epinephrine is derived almost solely from adrenal medullary before and after exposure to the catecholamine surge at secretion (25). These changes are critical to successful postnatal birth in term newborn sheep. We also measured the status physiologic adaptation and survival (25). It is unclear, however, of sympathetic innervation, reflected by myocardial nor-to what extent these changes in circulating catecholamines affect epinephrine content. At birth, plasma catecholamines in-adrenergic receptor mechanisms after birth. Because circulating creased 4-to 6-fold with associated increases in heart rate, catecholamine levels in the early newborn period are higher than blood pressure, and cardiac output. Myocardial B-adrener-those observed in most other physiologic conditions in adults gic receptor at birth (135 fmol/mg protein) did not change (22), previous investigators have suggested that the newborn is significantly by 6 h of life (157 fmol/mg protein). Myocar-less sensitive to adrenergic stimulation or that desensitization to dial adenyl cyclase activity, reflecting receptor sensitivity, adrenergic stimulation occurs rapidly (26). To examine this and myocardial sympathetic innervation also did not question, we designed experiments in newborn fetal sheep to change. These results suggest that, despite exposure to measure cardiac BAR and catecholamine-stimulated adenyl cysustained adrenergic stimulation, myocardial adrenergic clase activity in newborn sheep after exposure to the surge in effector mechanisms do not change in the newborn sheep catecholamines at birth. at birth. (Pediatr Res 29: 98-103, 1991)
AbbreviationsSixteen Western mixed breed fetuses from time-dated single-BAR, @-adrenergic receptor ton, twin, or triplet pregnancies were operated on at 139 d (term GTP, guanosine triphosphate is 150 d). The details of delivery and postnatal stabilization were ECS0, half maximal concentration iden...