The study deals with studying the effect of various concentrations of magnesium oxide and nanium titanium on the increasing death rate of the larvae related to two kinds of cucurbit fruit Dacus ciliatus and Dacus frontalis, where three concentrations of both ingredients are used: 0.125, 0.250 and 0.500 ml / L after mixing them with (1) ml of the insecticide malathion and (1) liters of distilled water in addition to the concentration (0.00), which denotes (1) ml of pesticide malathion with one liter of distilled water for the purpose of comparison and knowledge of the effect of the nanomaterial on the increasing death rate of the larvae of the two species, and the results indicated statistical analysis that the highest percentage of larval decay in both species when using Nano-magnetic oxide is at a concentration of 0.500 ml / liter which is 92% and 82% respectively, while using titanium oxide for the same concentration the highest percentage is equal to 90% and 85% respectively , the concentration gave increasing death rate for the larvae of both kinds ranging between 65-55%, and the rate of exclusion of the larvae after combat and in both kinds has reached only 10% of the total combat samples against a death rate of about 90%, and this is proof of the effect. The great t for the two nanostructures on the larval role of the two species.