“…According to the N 2 ‐adsorption/‐desorption isotherms, the surface areas of C@MoS 2 ‐700, C@MoS 2 ‐800, and C@MoS 2 ‐900 were 418, 423, and 508 m 2 g −1 , respectively (see the Supporting Information, Figure S6). PXRD studies of C@MoS 2 ‐900 showed diffraction peaks at 14.3, 33.1, 38.3, and 58.3°, which corresponded to the (002), (100), (103), and (110) diffraction peaks of MoS 2 (JCPDS#37‐1492), respectively (Figure c) –. As the temperature decreased from 900 °C to 800 and 700 °C, the (002) peaks broadened and gradually shifted from 14.3° to 14.1° (C@MoS 2 ‐800) and 13.8° (C@MoS 2 ‐700), thus indicating the elongation of the interlayer distance in MoS 2 , and a decrease in crystallinity.…”