The resistance distance between any two vertices of a connected graph G is defined as the net effective resistance between them in the electrical network constructed from G by replacing each edge with a unit resistor. The Kirchhoff index of G is defined as the sum of resistance distances between all pairs of vertices. In this paper, two unary graph operations on G are taken into consideration, with the resulted graphs being denoted by RT (G) and H (G). Using electrical network approach and combinatorial approach, we derive explicit formulae for resistance distances and Kirchhoff indices of RT (G) and H (G). It turns out that resistance distances and Kirchhoff indices of RT (G) and H (G) could be expressed in terms of resistance distances and graph invariants of G. Our result generalizes the previously known result on the Kirchhoff index of RT (G) for a regular graph G to the Kirchhoff index of RT (G) for an arbitrary graph G.INDEX TERMS Resistance distance, Kirchhoff index, multiplicative degree-Kirchhoff index, additive degree-Kirchhoff index, Foster's formula.