Cognitive ecology integrates cognition, ecology and neurobiology in one topic and has recently broadened into an exciting diversity of themes covering the entire range of cognition and ecological conditions. The review identifies three major environmental factors interacting with cognition: environmental variation (predictable and unpredictable), environmental complexity and predation. Generally, variable environments favour cognitive abilities such as exploration, learning, innovation, memory and also result in larger brains as compared to stable environments. Likewise, cognition is enhanced in complex versus simple environments, whereas the relationship between predation and cognitive abilities can be positive or negative. However, organisms have often evolved entire lifestyles (e.g. residency vs migration, food-caching vs non-caching, generalism vs specialism) to deal with these environmental factors. Considering cognition within this framework provides a much more diverse picture of how cognitive abilities evolved in conjunction with other adaptations to environmental challenges. This integrated approach identifies gaps of knowledge and allows the formulation of hypotheses for future testing. Several recently emerged approaches study cognitive abilities at a new and in part highly integrated level. For example, the effect that environment has on the development of cognitive abilities during ontogeny will improve our understanding about cause and effect and gene x environment interactions. Together with two recently emerged highly integrative approaches that link personality and pace-of-life syndromes with cognitive ecology these new directions will improve insight how cognition is interlinked with other major organisational processes.
How to cite this article:WIREs Cogn Sci 2014Sci , 5:345-360. doi: 10.1002Sci /wcs.1289 Cognitive ecology is a relatively young field that studies cognitive adaptations to a species' or individual's environment. The term cognition encompasses a broad range of neural processes which are used to interpret the environment and include perception, learning, memory and decision making 1 which regulate behavioural responses. Like morphological traits it is assumed that cognitive traits are shaped by natural selection via the underlying neural substrates 2 . The idea that behaviour and cognition are shaped by the environment is not a new one as the 'Umwelt' concept proposed already in 1909 by Uexküll states that individuals' behaviours have to be seen in relation to their environment and what they perceive and sense may differ even within the same environment 3 . In the 1970s several ecological approaches to human cognition emerged (e.g. Gibson's ecological approach to visual perception, Rosch's natural and prototypical categorisation and concept formation 4 and Soviet's cultural-historical activity theory 5 ) emphasising that cognition has evolved in specific environments to extract information efficiently. Activity theory proposes that cognition has to be studied in the cont...