Fertility health disorders from the early lactation period including retained placenta (REPLA), metritis (MET), corpus luteum persistence (CLP), anoestria/acyclia (AOEAC) and ovarial cysts (OC), as well as overall disease categories (disorders during the postpartal period (DPP), ovary infertility (OINF), overall trait definition "fertility disorders" (FD)), were used to estimate genetic (co)variance components with female fertility and test-day traits. The disease data set comprised 25,142 Holstein cows from parities 1, 2 and 3 resulting in 43,584 lactations. For disease traits, we used the binary trait definition (sick or healthy) and disease count data reflecting the sum of treatments for the same disease within lactation or within lactation periods. Statistical modelling included single and multiple trait repeatability animal models for all trait combinations within a Bayesian framework. Heritabilities for binary disease traits ranged from 0.04 (OC) to 0.10 (REPLA) and were slightly lower for the corresponding sum trait definitions. Correlations between both trait definitions were almost one, for genetic as well as for permanent environmental effects. Moderate to high genetic correlations were found among puerperal disorders DPP, REPLA and MET (0.45-0.98) and among the ovarian disorders OINF, AOEAC, CLP and OC (0.59-0.99). Genetic correlations between puerperal and ovarian disorders were close to zero, apart from the REPLA-OC association (0.55). With regard to fertility disorders and productivity in early lactation, a pronounced genetic antagonistic relationship was only identified between OC and protein yield. Genetic correlations between fertility disorders and test-day SCS were close to zero. OINF and all diseases contributing to OINF were strongly correlated with the female fertility traits "interval from calving to first service," "interval from service to pregnancy" and "interval from calving to pregnancy." The strong correlations imply that fertility disorders could be included in genetic evaluations of economic fertility traits as correlated predictors. Vice versa, a breeding focus on female fertility traits will reduce genetic susceptibility to OC, CLP and AOEAC.