We study exact solutions of the infinite derivative gravity with null radiation which belong to the class of almost universal Weyl type III/N Kundt spacetimes. This class is defined by the property that all rank-2 tensors B ab constructed from the Riemann tensor and its covariant derivatives have traceless part of type N of the form Bð□ÞS ab and the trace part constantly proportional to the metric. Here, Bð□Þ is an analytic operator and S ab is the traceless Ricci tensor. We show that the convoluted field equations reduce to a single nonlocal but linear equation, which contains only the Laplace operator Δ on 2-dimensional spaces of constant curvature. Such a nonlocal linear equation is always exactly solvable by eigenfunction expansion or using the heat kernel method for the nonlocal form factor expð−l 2 ΔÞ (with l being the length scale of nonlocality) as we demonstrate on several examples. We find the nonlocal analogues of the Aichelburg-Sexl and the Hotta-Tanaka solutions, which describe gravitational waves generated by null sources propagating in Minkowski, de Sitter, and anti-de Sitter spacetimes. They reduce to the solutions of the local theory far from the sources or in the local limit, l → 0. In the limit l → ∞, they become conformally flat. We also discuss possible hints suggesting that the nonlocal solutions are regular at the locations of the sources in contrast to the local solutions; all curvature components in the natural null frame are finite and specifically the Weyl components vanish.