“…The infrequent application of such approaches (Cross et al., ; Dainese & Bragazza, ) suggests we are still a long‐way from developing robust generalisations about plant invasions. For example, comparisons of trait differences between native and alien species are still undertaken at regional scales (Bezeng, Davies, Yessoufou, Maurin, & Van der Bank, ; Kuester, Conner, Culley, & Baucom, ; Marx, Giblin, Dunwiddie, & Tank, ) even though the relevance of such analyses for understanding the vulnerability of plant communities to plant invasion is debatable. The increasing availability of plot‐scale data world‐wide (Chytry et al., ; Rutherford, Mucina, & Powrie, ; Walker et al., ) has the potential to herald considerable new insights into the role that trait differences between native and alien species may play in plant invasions and facilitate the application of methods that account for spatial scale dependence, environmental gradients and even temporal variation in species composition.…”