By using lignin model compounds with relevant key characteristic structural features, the reaction pathways of a-O-4 aryl ether linkages under hydrothermal conditions are elucidated. Experimental resultsa nd computational modelings uggest that the a-O-4 linkages in lignin undergo catalyzed hydrolysis and elimination to give phenolic and alkenylbenzene derivatives as major products in subcritical water.T he decreased relative permittivity of water at these high temperatures and pressures facilitates the elimination reactions. The alkyl group on the a-carbon andt he methoxy groups on the phenyl rings both have positive effects on the rate of conversion of a-O-4 linkages in native lignin.Hydrothermal liquefaction (HTL) is becomingacommon methodt oc onvert biomass into fuel and chemicals, with several companies worldwide exploring the possibilities to commercialize such processes (e.g.,L icella/Canfor,G enifuel). In a typical HTL process, feedstocks are heatedi nw ater under subcritical conditions (250-374 8C, 4-22 MPa). [1] As the temperature increases above 374 8C, more hydrothermalg asification processes occur,e specially for biomass. [1] HTL is superiort o many other biomass conversion processes,e specially in terms of the relativelyl ow oxygen content and the stabilityo ft he resulting liquids. Biocrudes produced from the HTLp rocessa re of significantly higher energy density than pyrolysis oils. [2] In addition, unlike gasification and pyrolysis processes, pre-drying of feedstock for HTL is, by definition, unnecessary.Biomass is primarily made up of macromolecules such as cellulose, hemicellulose, lignin, and proteins.L ignin, which constitutes 25-35 %o ft he organic matrix of lignocellulosic biomass, [3,4] is the most readily availables ource of renewable aromatics; hence its valorization has become av igorous area of research. [5][6][7][8] The complex structure of lignin contains aromatic units connected by linkages such as b-O-4, a-O-4, 4-O-5, 5-5, b-5, and b-b crosslinks. Functional groups such as benzylic alcohols, [9] aldehydes [10] and methoxy groups [11] are also present in the structure of lignin.The distinct chemistry of lignin under hydrothermalc onditions is less well studied [12][13][14][15] than that under pyrolysis conditions, under which linkages are broken down primarily through free-radical chemistry. [16][17][18][19]