The present clinical investigation was accomplished during the events of the fifth King Abdulaziz Camel Festival (KACF), Kingdome of Saudi Arabia. It was planned to investigate surface thermographic measurements in healthy dromedary camels. A total of 4627 dromedary camels were examined for cosmetic medicine; 90 camels were tested for infrared thermography (IRT). Eighteen anatomic were evaluated and results were tabulated. These included upper lips, lower lips, nostrils, nasal alae, pinna, maxilla, mandible, eyeball, neck, chest, abdomen, hump, tail sides, perineum, udder, testis, penile sheath and foot. Seventy-four camels with injected or stretched lips were also examined. A control group consisting of 25 camels was used. Injected lips with fillers were detected in fourteen camels and extended lips were discovered in other sixty dromedaries. When tested by IRT, the injection sites appeared darker than that the surrounding tissue. There were no significant differences between the values in injected lips compared to that in controls. Similarly, there were no significant differences between the values in stretched lips compared to that in controls. The stretched lips appeared longer, flabby and puffy. When tested by IRT, the mucosal surface in the stretched lips appeared lighter and heterogeneous compared to the darker and homogenous pattern in the non-stretched lips. Concluding, the thermographic values of this study are reference values for healthy camels in a similar environment. The obtained results also showed that IRT is highly feasible and shows promise for detecting lesions such as injected or stretched lips. However, it is not enough and should be combined with clinical and ultrasonographic examinations.