Thyroid hormone is essential for normal brain development including structures critical for visual processing. While chick and rodent models have demonstrated abnormal visual development following prenatal thyroid hormone loss, comparable data do not exist in the human. To determine whether human infants with intrauterine and early postnatal thyroid hormone insufficiencies have compromised visual abilities, we investigated contrast sensitivity and visual acuity development in 13 infant offspring of women with hypothyroidism during pregnancy (HYPO), 16 preterm infants born between 32 and 35 weeks gestation, 12 infants with congenital hypothyroidism (CH), and 20 typically developing infants. All were assessed with the sweep visual evoked potential technique at 3, 4.5, and 6 months (corrected) age. Results showed significantly reduced contrast sensitivity but normal visual acuity in HYPO and CH groups relative to controls (p Ͻ 0.003 and p Ͻ 0.05 respectively). Stratification of the HYPO group into subgroups based on maternal TSH levels during the first half of pregnancy revealed lower contrast sensitivities for infants whose mothers' TSH values were above than below the median (p Ͻ 0.05). In the CH group, those with an absent thyroid gland and/or a newborn TSH value above 200 mIU/L had lower contrast sensitivities than did those with other etiologies or TSH levels below 100 mIU/L (p Ͻ 0.05). There were no significant effects involving the preterm group. These results indicate that thyroid hormone is important for human visual development. Thyroid hormone (TH) is essential for normal brain development (1). A lack of TH during fetal or early postnatal life is associated with specific brain damage. This includes abnormal neuronal proliferation and migration (2,3), decreased dendritic densities and synaptic profiles (4), impaired synaptic transmission (5), and reduced myelination (6). TH acts by regulating specific brain genes (7) through the formation of a nuclear receptor complex (8), which serves to up-or down-regulate specific genes (9) via a variety of signaling mechanisms (10,11). Because TH-regulated gene activity varies spatially and temporally in the brain (12), different types of deficits will follow from a loss of TH at different stages of development (13,14).In the retina, TH is needed (15-17) for the differentiation of cones versus rods (18,19), specific cone subtypes (20), and retinal oligodendrocyte precursor cells (21) and for the production of essential proteins (22,23). Animal models demonstrate that when TH is lacking at a particular time prenatally, visual development and functioning will be impaired (20