Gutierrez-Vazquez, E., Pena-Perez, F., Partida-Partida, M. and Flachowsky, G. 1994. Acceptance of fresh swine e m t a by growing Three groslp feeding experiments with 16, 12 and 16 zebu bulls of 235, 295 and 273 kg average initiul body weight wem carried out to investigate the i n f l u e m of fieding fryh swine excreta mired with molasses and corn stubbles on feed intake and weight gain during feeding periud of 105, 70 and 114 days, respectively. The diets contained 54, 35 and 27% fresh swine excreta; 25, 30 and 36% rnolasses;and21,35and37%cornstubblesinexperiments lA,Band 3A, respectively. In experiment IB a mixturn of swine waste and molusses and wrn stubbles were fed separately while in experiment 3B a mixturn of fresh swine waste 25%, molasses 44.5%, corn stubbles 30% and urea (0.5% on DM basis) was fed Voluntary intake of diet 1A became optimum after 3 weeks and in 1B after 9 weeks. Mean DM intakes were 2.71,2.12,2.63,2.81 and 2.55 k g / l O O