“…However, these compounds pose some major drawbacks such as high general toxicity and limited activity in certain cancers, leading to drug-development programs aimed at overcoming these disadvantages. − In one such approach based on constructing drugs from metals other than platinum, ruthenium-based anticancer compounds have been found to show promising anticancer properties. In particular, Ru(II)–arene complexes with the half-sandwich (also known as “piano-stool”) structure have gained increasing interest in recent years due to favorable in vivo data. − Indeed, Ru(II)–arene complexes possess remarkable features that make them well suited as antitumor agents that typically involve very different biomolecular targets to platinum-based compounds. − The half-sandwich piano-stool structure has recently been explored also for the neighboring metals of group 9, i.e., rhodium and iridium, which have been less investigated as metallodrugs. − Piano-stool pentamethylcyclopentadienyl (Cp*) Rh(III) and Ir(III) complexes possess relevant cytotoxicities against cancer cells, − and in some cases they exhibit a superior activity to that of related Ru(II)–arene complexes. , The anticancer activity of these compounds can be enhanced using chelating ligands of natural or synthetic origin, which possess complementary biological activity. − In this respect, O,O′-chelating β-diketones are useful scaffolds in the synthesis of organometallic complexes with biological activity . Dibenzoylmethane (DBMH, Scheme ), a naturally occurring β-diketone, is a minor constituent of liquorice roots ( Glycyrrhiza glabra of the family Leguminosae), which has been identified as a promising antimutagenic and anticarcinogenic compound. , A synthetic derivative of dibenzoylmethane that is characterized by the presence of a hydroxyl group bound to one of the aromatic rings, namely o -hydroxydibenzoylmethane (HDBH, Scheme ), inhibits cell proliferation more efficiently than dibenzoylmethane, and it is also able to induce apoptosis in carcinoma and adenocarcinoma cell lines. − Avobenzone (AVBH, ...…”