We report the coexistence of low threshold lasing and strong coupling in a high-quality semiconductor microcavity under near-resonant optical pumping. A sharp laser mode splits from the lower-polariton branch and approaches the bare cavity mode frequency as the pump power increases. The lasing is produced by low density localized exciton states, which are weakly coupled to the cavity mode. The appearance of this lasing mode distinguishes quantum-well excitons into those which are strongly or weakly coupled with the cavity mode. © 2004 American Institute of Physics. ͓DOI: 10.1063/1.1643191͔A photon mode in a Fabry-Perot resonator and an excitonic resonance in a semiconductor quantum well ͑QW͒ resemble two harmonic oscillators which can be either weakly or strongly coupled together in semiconductor microcavities containing embedded quantum wells. In the weak-coupling ͑WC͒ regime, resonant tuning of the cavity mode and the exciton transition results in formation of two degenerate states ͑a crossing behavior͒, while for strong-coupling ͑SC͒ on resonance, an energy splitting between new eigenstates of the system occurs ͑anticrossing situation͒.1 WC exists in vertical cavity surface emitting lasers ͑VCSELs͒ and leads to enhancement of the spontaneous emission of excitons in resonance with the cavity mode. The SC regime has also been intensively studied in the past decade as it offers a unique opportunity to observe optical effects associated with exciton polaritons, i.e., quasiparticles composed of half a photon and half an exciton, coherently propagating in the microcavity plane. The transition between weak-/strongcoupling in microcavities has been carefully studied.2-5 This transition is governed by a condition on the exciton oscillator strength and decay rate, parameters that one can alter by changing the temperature, exciton density, or applying external fields. 6 Here we report clear evidence of the simultaneous presence of the perturbative ͑weak͒ and nonperturbative ͑strong͒ regimes when optically exciting semiconductor microcavities. We observe an unambiguous anticrossing behavior of the coupled cavity and exciton modes, characteristic of the strong-coupling regime, while between these eigenstates of the system a new strong line appears whose intensity is exponentially dependent on the pumping power. An intermediate regime is identified where this lasing mode, which fulfills the characteristics of the weak-coupling regime, coexists with the free polariton modes. This extra mode results from the inversion of a population of localized exciton states.
7Population inversion at pump densities lower than the transition threshold density is possible in microcavities possessing a very low concentration of localized states. Thus a VC-SEL and strongly coupled exciton polaritons are simultaneously present in the same cavity.The semiconductor structure used in this study is a conventional cavity with optical linewidth ␥ c ϭ0.41 meV, and a single GaAs QW with exciton linewidth ␥ x ϭ0.44 meV, fully discussed in Ref. 8 ͑studi...