Single‐cell transcriptomics, epigenomics, and other ‘omics applied at single‐cell resolution can significantly advance hypotheses and understanding of glial biology. Omics technologies are revealing a large and growing number of new glial cell subtypes, defined by their gene expression profile. These subtypes have significant implications for understanding glial cell function, cell–cell communications, and glia‐specific changes between homeostasis and conditions such as neurological disease. For many, the training in how to analyze, interpret, and understand these large datasets has been through reading and understanding literature from other fields like biostatistics. Here, we provide a primer for glial biologists on experimental design and analysis of single‐cell RNA‐seq datasets. Our goal is to further the understanding of why decisions are made about datasets and to enhance biologists’ ability to interpret and critique their work and the work of others. We review the steps involved in single‐cell analysis with a focus on decision points and particular notes for glia. The goal of this primer is to ensure that single‐cell ‘omics experiments continue to advance glial biology in a rigorous and replicable way.