Vaccines have a great impact on global health. These pharmaceutical products are prophylactic agents administered to healthy individuals, involving infants and children. Therefore, it is important to demonstrate the safety of them with nonclinical studies before the start of clinical trials. Nonclinical assessment includes product characterization, both in vitro and in vivo testing of vaccines, adjuvanted vaccines or vaccine adjuvants. In vivo safety studies contain pharmacology studies, pharmacokinetic studies, general toxicity studies, developmental and reproductive toxicity, genotoxicity and carcinogenicity studies, and immunogenicity assessment. These tests should be conducted in compliance with GLPs. Nonclinical studies are conducted to determine the safety and appropriate dose to induce an immune response in animal models. A benefit-to-risk profile is considered for each vaccine because of many factors that affect nonclinical and clinical toxicities. Herewith, the non-clinical safety evaluation of vaccines, including toxicity testing, has been focused. Nonclinical testing requirements are an essential tool to determination of the safety and efficacy of vaccines.