At the close of our 16th volume, with the publication of the December 2024 issue, Journal of Family Theory & Review (JFTR) continues to offer a rich array of opportunities to theorize about families and provide critical insights into the literature that has amassed in the family science field. JFTR also offers a timely submission-to-publication trajectory with a desire to grow the number of high-quality publications. In previous editorials, I have described the possibilities for family theorizing and review as well as the tangible and intangible rewards of participating intimately in the scholarly production process (Allen, 2023a(Allen, , 2023b. Those of us who have been bitten with the theory bug truly relish the opportunity to read, write, edit, and review new conceptualizations of the ideas and research that inspired us to enter the field in the first place. The process of crafting an insightful critique with constructive suggestions for improving a colleague's argument is an invaluable service, yet as we all know, it is often invisible labor. I contend that writing, reviewing, and editing for an academic journal is an essential and rewarding service that helps all family scholars and students be more involved, creative, and accountable to the ideas we share, cite, and promote.JFTR provides many venues for contributing to the family science canon. With new journals and publication outlets on the rise, I repeat that JFTR needs all of you-our readers, authors, reviewers, and editors-to consider JFTR as a publication outlet for your excellent work. As a specialty journal focused on all things theoretical, JFTR is the leading scholarly journal for family theory advancement, conceptual assessments of methodological innovation, critical reviews and meta-analyses of empirical research, and critical analyses of books and media about family topics. Our goal is to cultivate understanding of the complexity of family life in diverse social contexts, championing contributions that bring interdisciplinary, international, and intersectional approaches to family science and related disciplines.In Table 1, I list the various types of contributions JFTR encourages as a theory and review journal. The members of our editorial team (