There is a resurgence of interest in "cognitive maps" based on recent evidence that the hippocampal-entorhinal system encodes both spatial and non-spatial information, with far-reaching implications for human behavior. Yet little is known about the commonalities and differences in the computational principles underlying human learning and decision making in spatial and non-spatial domains. We use a within-subject design to examine how humans search for either spatially or conceptually correlated rewards. Using a Bayesian learning model, we find evidence for the same computational mechanisms of generalization across domains. While participants were sensitive to expected rewards and uncertainty in both tasks, how they leveraged this knowledge to guide exploration was different: participants displayed less uncertainty-directed and more random exploration in the conceptual domain. Moreover, experience with the spatial task improved conceptual performance, but not vice versa. These results provide important insights about the degree of overlap between spatial and conceptual cognition. 2 the world using spatial metaphors [4, 5], and commonly use concepts like "space" or 3 "distance" in mathematical descriptions of abstract phenomena.
4In line with these observations, previous theories have argued that reasoning about 5 abstract conceptual information follows the same computational principles as spatial 6 1/36 reasoning [6][7][8]. This has recently gained new support from neuroscientific evidence 7 suggesting that common neural substrates are the basis for knowledge representation 8 across domains [9][10][11][12][13]. 9 One important implication of these accounts is that reinforcement learning [14] in 10 non-spatial domains may rely on a map-like organization of information, supported by 11 the computation of distances or similarities between experiences. Here, we ask to what 12 extent does the search for rewards depend on the same distance-dependent 13 generalization across domains? We formalize a computational model that incorporates 14 distance-dependent generalization and test it in a within-subject experiment, where 15 either spatial features or abstract conceptual features are predictive of rewards. This 16 allows us to study learning, decision making, and exploration in spatial versus 17 conceptual domains, in order to gain insights into the organizational structure of 18 cognitive representations in both domains.
19Whereas early psychological theories described reinforcement learning as merely 20 developing an association between stimuli, responses and rewards [15][16][17], more recent 21 studies have recognized that the structure of representations plays an important role in 22 making value-based decisions [11, 18] and is particularly important for knowing how to 23 generalize from limited data to novel situations [19, 20]. This idea dates back to Tolman, 24 who famously argued that both rats and humans extract a "cognitive map" of the 25 environment [21]. This cognitive map encodes relationships between e...