“…In this paper we study dispersionless integrable systems that arise as integrability conditions for foliation F on bundle B with 1-dimensional fibers over manifold M. This framework can be adapted to the heavenly equations [29,30], the Manakov-Santini system [24] (see also [7]), the Dunajski-Tod equation [9] (see also [3]), the hyper-CR equation [6], the dispersionless Hirota equation [8] (known also as the abc-equation [31]), equations related to GL(2)-structures and web geometry [11,17,18,[20][21][22] and many others [1,2,5,10,13,15,23,25]. The quotient space T = B/F is usually referred to as the (real) twistor space, and it gives rise to the following double fibration picture M ← B → T .…”