Estimation of an exceptionally exact model for solar parabolic collector from the experimental data is an important task for the researchers for the recreation, assessment, control and plan. Efficient optimization techniques are fundamental to accomplish this undertaking. In this paper a modified optimization technique is proposed for productive and precise estimation of the parameters of solar parabolic collector. The proposed algorithm is concentrated on the modification of Elephant Swarm Water Search Algorithm. This algorithm tested on parabolic collector parameters, namely reflectivity, Absorptivity & period of sun incidence. Response surface methodology has been used to implement the non linear model between the input & output parameters of the process. In addition, the proposed ESWSA optimization technique has been tested against the manufacture datasheet of solar parabolic reflector. Results show the effectiveness of ESWSA algorithm for modeling of the solar parabolic systems. Keyword : Solar parabolic Collector, Parameters, ESWSA, Optimization