Pseudo-isocyanine chloride (PIC) is ac ationic dyestuff that exhibits self-assembly in aqueous solution, promoted either by increasing the PIC concentration or by decreasing the temperature. PIC-aggregates exhibit ac haracteristic and sharp absorption band as wella saf luorescence band at aw avelength of 573 nm making PIC an interesting candidate to analyze the self-assembly process in variousenvironments. The presentw ork developed PIC-based, synthetic model systems, suitablet oi nvestigate how macromolecular crowding influences self-assembly processes. Four synthetic additives were used as potentialc rowders:T riethylene glycol (TEG), polyethylene glycol (PEG), Ficoll 400 as ah ighly branched polysaccharide, and sucrose corresponding to the monomericu nit of Ficoll. Combined UV/Vis spectroscopy and time-resolved light scattering revealed as trong impact of crowding based on excludedv olume effects only for Ficoll 400. Sucrose had hardly any influence on the self-assembly of PIC and PEG and TEG impeded the PIC self-assembly.D evelopment of such aP IC based models ystem led over to in-cell experiments.H eLa cells were infiltrated with PIC solutionswell below the aggregation threshold in the infiltrating solution. In the cellular environment, PIC was exposed to as ignificant crowding andi mmediatelys tarted to aggregate. As was demonstrated by fluorescencei maging, the extent of aggregation can be modulated by exposing the cells to salt-induced osmotic stress. The resultss uggest future use of such as ystem as as ensor for the analysis of in vitro and in vivo crowding effects on self-assembly processes.
Sample preparationAqueous solutions of crowding agents with contents varying from 2wt% to 25 wt %s erved as solvents. Solvents containing Ficoll 400 were slightly acidic. As Ficoll would undergo chemical decomposition, especially at elevated temperatures, the pH of the solvent thus had to be adjusted to 7t oe nsure chemical stability of Ficoll 400. Stock solutions of PIC in the presence of crowding agents had