“…[Symmetry codes: (i) Àx + 1 2 , Ày, z + 1 2 ; (ii) Àx, Ày, Àz; (iii) Àx, y + 1 2 , Àz; (iv) x + 1 2 , y, Àz + 1 2 ; (v) x, Ày + 1 2 , z; (vi) x À 1 2 , Ày + 1 2 , Àz + 1 2 ; (vii) x À 1 2 , Ày + 1 2 , Àz À 1 2 ; (viii) Àx + 1 2 , Ày + 1, z À 1 2 ; (ix) Àx + 1 2 , Ày + 1, z + 1 2 .] longer, at 5.855 (1) and NABHAZ01 (Sernau, Huttner, Scherer & Walter, 1996)]; in other cases, the formate group behaves as a bridging species between Co atoms [OXCFOR (Cornils et al, 1976), ABOLOS (Saalfrank et al, 2001), COKCIO (Clegg & Sykes, 1984) and UFIQEF (Cadiou et al, 2002)] or between one Co atom and one other central metal atom (MOTQER; Arici et al, 2002). Structures with chain motifs are also well documented.…”