We observe experimentally a mode-locking in a continuous narrow-band tunable dye laser with molecular iodine absorber cells, which transitions have large phase relaxation time T2. We show that the modelocking arises due to coherent interaction of light with the absorbing medium leading to Rabi oscillations, so that zero-area (0π-) pulses in the absorber are formed. Such mode-locking regime is different to most typical passive modelocking mechanisms where saturation plays the main role.
______________________________________________________________Mode locked (ML) lasers are principal sources of short light pulses with a high repetition rate [1,2]. The most commonly used method to create such pulses inside a cavity is a passive modelocking. Typically such lasers consist of two sections, one with a gain medium and the other with a nonlinearly absorbing one. The physical mechanism of mode-locking in such lasers is based on the effect of saturation of absorption in the absorber section as well as the saturation of the gain in the amplifier.Recently, another mechanism of passive mode-locking was proposed, where the absorber and gain media operate not in the regime of saturation but in the coherent regime of strong coupling of light with the medium [3-10]. Coherent light-matter interaction regime arises when light pulse duration is smaller than medium polarization relaxation time T2 [11][12][13]. The presence of phase memory leads to the novel unusual phenomena in the propagation of the pulse in nonlinear absorbing or amplifying media, which cannot be observed when the regime of light-matter interaction is incoherent . For example, pulse can propagates without losses in the regime of self-induced transparency (SIT) in the absorber as a 2π pulse [11]. In the amplifying medium stable π pulse can exist [12]. The key idea of the mode-locking based on the coherent effects is to use a configuration allowing the same pulse to be a 2π-pulse in the absorber and π-pulse in the amplifier [3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10]. In this way, since a 2π-pulse is a stable soliton solution, absorber dumps any background perturbations making the regime stable. At the same time, a π-pulse configuration in the amplifier allows to take the energy from it, thus leading to a pulse shortening.Despite of the great potential promising to deliver pulses up to single-cycle duration [6,7], lasers with such coherent modelocking mechanism have not been realized experimentally yet. One of the problems is to obtain coherent interaction inside the cavity for the parameters required for the mode-locking. Although coherent effects were observed in plenty of optical systems [11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22][23][24][25][26], achieving intra-cavity coherent effects combined with a modelocking is not a trivial task. In particular, they were observed in single-section gas lasers [16], quantum dot amplifiers [17] and quantum cascade lasers in the THz frequency range [18]. Furthermore, in the recent paper [19], the signatures of SIT regime in a rubidium 78 R...