We measured the magnetoresistance of the 2D electron liquid formed at the (111) LaAlO3/SrTiO3 interface. The hexagonal symmetry of the interface is manifested in a six-fold crystalline component appearing in the anisotropic magnetoresistance (AMR) and planar Hall data, which agree well with symmetry analysis we performed. The six-fold component increases with carrier concentration, reaching 15% of the total AMR signal. Our results suggest the coupling between higher itinerant electronic bands and the crystal as the origin of this effect and demonstrate that the (111) oxide interface is a unique hexagonal system with tunable magnetocrystalline effects.Introduction.-The two dimensional electron liquid formed at the (100) interface between the two nonmagnetic insulators LaAlO 3 (LAO) and SrTiO 3 (STO) [1] features numerous properties, such as superconductivity [2,3] and spin-orbit coupling [4,5], which are tunable by a gate voltage. Past studies have shown evidence for magnetic order (possibly co-existing with superconductivity) whose exact character is not yet clear [6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15], prompting much theoretical activity [16][17][18][19].In-plane anisotropic magnetoresistance (AMR) can be employed as a probe for the magnetic properties of 2D structures, since it is sensitive to spin texture and spin-orbit interaction [20]. In the absence of crystalline anisotropy, rotating the magnetic field in the 2D plane results in a standard two-fold symmetric AMR term that depends on the angle between the magnetic field and the current. Such dependence has been observed in (100) LAO/STO [21][22][23]. It is absent in nonpolar doped STO heterostructure [22] and can hence be related to the Rashba spin-orbit interaction which is expected to be less important in the latter. It has been suggested that an easy axis for magnetization can be observed in the AMR [18], however, the almost square symmetry of the interfacial crystal structure makes it difficult to distinguish between the two-fold term and the crystalline one. Here we explored a different interface, which has a hexagonal in-plane symmetry, namely the (111) LAO/STO heterostructure.The stacking of (111) perovskite ABO 3 layers is AO 3 /B/AO 3 /B [ Fig. 1(a)], and therefore with alternating -3e and +3e charges in LaAlO 3 , whereas -4e and +4e in SrTiO 3 [24]. In addition to the different polar structure compared to the (100) interface, its hexagonal symmetry has been predicted to be a key ingredient for the realization of various nontrivial states [25,26]. Recently, six-fold Fermi contour related to the symmetry of STO (111) surface has been observed by angle resolved photoemission [27,28]. However, a distinct signature of six-fold symmetry of the (111) LAO/STO interface is lacking. In this Rapid Communication we show theoretically and ex- * yodagan@post.tau.ac.il perimentally that a six-fold crystalline cos(6Ξ) term can be observed in the AMR of the (111) LAO/STO interface. This term depends on carrier concentration, suggesting that coupling between the lat...