1 Uni ver sity of War saw, In sti tute of Ge ol ogy, ÂŻwirki i Wigury 93, 02-089 Warszawa, Po land Leonowicz, P., 2015. Storm-in flu enced de po si tion and cyclicity in a shal low-ma rine mudstone suc ces sion -ex am ple from the Mid dle Ju ras sic ore-bear ing clays of the Pol ish Jura (south ern Po land). Geo log i cal Quar terly, 59 (2): 325-344, doi: 10.7306/gq.1221Sedimentological anal y sis of bioturbated mudstones from the Mid dle Ju ras sic ore-bear ing CzĂȘstochowa Clay For ma tion has re vealed com mon rel ics of sed i men tary struc tures, such as thin silt/sand laminae, bed ding-plane ac cu mu la tions of shell debris, small and me dium silt-sand lenses, as well as silt-, sand-and shell-de bris-rich lev els, ac com pa nied by ero sion sur faces and mi nor scours. These fea tures doc u ment pe ri od i cal high-en ergy con di tions of mud de po si tion, in clud ing storm stir ring, event sed i men ta tion and the ac tiv ity of storm-gen er ated bot tom cur rents, which were re spon si ble for sea-floor ero sion and sed i ment sup ply from shal lower parts of the ba sin. The sea bot tom was prev a lently be low the storm wave base, but it rose above it dur ing ex cep tion ally strong storms and in the Early Bathonian zig zag chron when the ba sin ex pe ri enced con sid erable shallowing. The shal low est and high est en ergy con di tions oc curred in the late macrescens subchron, when the bot tom was close to, or above the fair-weather wave base. The es ti mated depth of the sea did not ex ceed sev eral tens of metres, but in some pe ri ods it could be even less than 20 m. Based on the ver ti cal vari a tion of the sand, silt and clay con tents, seven transgressive-re gres sive cy cles have been dis tin guished in the ap prox i mately 75 m thick suc ces sion span ning the Up per Bajocian-Up per Bathonian. Cy cles TR 1 , TR 2+3 , TR 5 and TR 6+7 cor re late with those dis tin guished in the co eval suc ces sion from cen tral Po land, al though the strati graphic po si tion of cy cle bound aries is slightly shifted. These cy cles re cord rel a tive sea level changes that af fected the en tire Pol ish Ba sin. Re gres sions R 2 and R 6 were smaller-scale-events, gen er ated in response to a lo cal tec tonic ac tiv ity and autocyclic shore line progradation.