“…Also, the use of secondary trait with grain yield, rather than selection for grain yield alone, has been shown to increase selection efficiency in maize grown under stress by 20 to 50 % (Bänziger and Lafitte, 1997;Edmeades et al, 1997;Chapman and Edmeades, 1999). Traits such as number of grains per row; 100-grain weight, cob diameter, plant height, ear weight and ear length, are commonly used to predict grain yield (Ross, 2002;Mohammadi et al, 2003;Maman et al, 2004;Samonte et al, 2006). Yield related traits such as biomass, harvest index, plant architecture, and resistance to biotic and abiotic constraints may also indirectly affect yield by affecting the yield component or by other unknown mechanisms (Quarrie et al, 2006).…”