Equine infectious anemia is a worldwide distributed disease that affects the Equide family. Commercial effective vaccine is not available, for that reason control of the disease depends on diagnostic tools. To improve the efficiency of the diagnostic program in Cuba, LABIOFAM Group, developed an indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), ELISA kit, to complement the diagnostic system that currently uses the agar gel immunodiffusion (AGID) kit. The ELISA AIE-LAB Kit was evaluated in a Mexican context, compared with the gold standard test Agar gel immunodiffusion, AGID AIE-LABIOFAM, and commercial AGID kit. The analytical sensitivity was determined using serial dilutions twofold of the positive control serum to establish the range of detected antibodies in relation to the cutoff value of the plate (OD 0.300). A precision study was carried out to evaluate repeatability, intermediate precision, and reproducibility by estimating the standard deviation and coefficient of variation. The precision results were satisfactory and the values of the coefficient of variation were considered adequate to guarantee an excellent consistency of the ELISA AIE-LAB. The diagnostic performance of the ELISA AIE-LAB involved the evaluation of specificity, sensitivity, and concordance in comparison with both AGID tests. The diagnostic sensitivity was 100% and the specificity 97.6%, with a very good degree of concordance (Kappa ¼ 0.9). The results suggest that the ELISA AIE-LAB test could be used in Mexico as a diagnostic system for the detection of specific antibodies against the equine infectious anemia virus, as per current international norms.