Restless legs syndrome (RLS) is a common neurological disorder whose exact pathophysiological mechanism remains unclear despite the successful use of dopaminergic treatment and recent discovery of predisposing genetic factors. As iron deficiency has been associated with RLS for some patients and there is evidence for decreased spinal dopamine D 3 -receptor (D3R) signaling in RLS, we aimed at establishing whether D3R activity and iron deficiency share common pathways within the pathophysiology of RLS sensory and motor symptoms.Using a combined mouse model of iron deficiency and dopamine D 3 -receptor deficiency (D3RϪ/Ϫ), circadian motor symptoms were evaluated by continuous recording of spontaneous wheel running activity. Testing the acute and persistent pain responses with the hot-plate test and formalin test, respectively, assessed sensory symptoms.A 15 week iron-deficient (ID) diet alone increased acute and persistent pain responses as compared to control diet. As compared to C57BL/6 (WT), homozygous D3RϪ/Ϫ mice already exhibited elevated responses to acute and persistent pain stimuli, where the latter was further elevated by concurrent iron deficiency. ID changed the circadian activity pattern toward an increased running wheel usage before the resting period, which resembled the RLS symptom of restlessness before sleep. Interestingly, D3RϪ/Ϫ shifted this effect of iron deficiency to a time point 3-4 h earlier.The results confirm the ability of iron deficiency and D3RϪ/Ϫ to evoke sensory and motor symptoms in mice resembling those observed in RLS patients. Furthermore this study suggests an increase of ID-related sensory symptoms and modification of ID-related motor symptoms by D3RϪ/Ϫ.