Hidradenitis suppurativa (HS) can cause considerable impact on several aspects of quality of life. Sexuality is a central aspect of quality of life. In recent years, there has been an increase in the number of articles on HS and sexuality. To achieve our aim of synthesizing the available scientific evidence on HS and sexual health, we conducted a systematic review in February 2020. The clinical databases used included Medline and Embase. All types of epidemiological articles were included; reviews, guidelines, protocols, conference abstracts and case report articles were excluded. Eleven studies were included for review, representing 42 729 patients with HS. The most common study design was cross‐sectional with or without comparison group(s), conducted in an outpatient setting or through surveys. Prevalence of sexual dysfunction ranged between 51–62%, and in the case of erectile dysfunction, a specific kind of sexual dysfunction affecting penile erection, it ranged from between 52% and 60% of patients studied using validated questionnaires. Potential risk factors for sexual dysfunction among men and women were identified, mainly related to disease activity, symptoms and partners. Mood disorders like depression and anxiety appear to be associated with sexual dysfunction. Women were more affected by sexual distress. HS patients with sexual dysfunction had a decreased overall quality of life. With respect to treatment, surgery did not improve sexual function and there is no scientific evidence regarding medical treatments. Patients stated that they would like to treat their sexual problems with healthcare professionals. In conclusion, sexual and erectile dysfunction are common in HS patients, and negatively affect their quality of life. There are clinical factors potentially associated with this which should be identified and treated by dermatologists in the comprehensive care of HS patients. Prospective studies are needed to provide more scientific evidence on this unmet need.