Most analyses of the novel The Metamorphosis have focused on Gregor the protagonist, but the underlying texts suggest a very powerful "hand" from Grete, which shows the study of Grete is of importance. So far, the interpretation of Grete has been done from a feminism perspective only, and thus, this paper is going to demonstrate that a more proper and powerful lens to use to analyze these changes is alienation instead of feminism, which will be illustrated by comparing three stages of the characters on the key notions of alienation, namely Powerlessness, Meaninglessness, Normlessness, and Self-estrangement. There is a similar character Marian in The Edible Woman, who goes through remarkable changes, from a no-control-of-her-life woman to a freed woman. This paper is also going to briefly study the reason of Marian's changes, so as to provide a different demonstration of alienation and the possible positive effects that alienation can bring.